วันอาทิตย์ที่ 23 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2550

Young people

I think in Bangkok in 2007 change body and technology for you. Young people like to talk phone new and internet. Young people like the fashion of clothes are very sexy and beautiful. I think it make the people who wear sexy cloth dangerous from the people. However, I think they do not have to wear too open cloth. Young people can wear T-shirt. The young people always go to Siam and it has cloth, booth, people is very much. I think young people like to ice cream shop because it is very cold, comfort table and cheerful every time. Young people like to shopping, walk, club etc. Young people go with friend and boyfriends. Young people like to Young people to go to drink beer, smoke, dope etc. It goes in to the body and is very bad and makes you not strong and degenerate brain. But young people think it good or ripping for young people. Young people will change to temper is very emotional of young people. But I think young people don’t emotional if family can learn child in control temper to give child is very mentally calm or sit concentration for young people. Young people like to listen music Korea, Thai, USA etc. There are many boy bands who very good in dancing and it will change to temper with music of young people. But young people in boy or men like to see sexy of girls at TV, book, DVD or club. It will destroy in brain or heart to see is very bad and harmful. I think about it from natural. However, I want to tell you said you want to watch for look girls before girls come to hit you or hate you every now and than. I think you don’t went to look girls very long. In life of young people want to see yourself and my self is very much. Young people want to play football, basketball, swim etc. It helps you and I am very strong and good for young people. It helps if family does not look young people every time, but family wants to tell parents every time. Now, young people are very afraid.

3 ความคิดเห็น:

ohm กล่าวว่า...

Hello, your opinion is good but I do not think that all teenagers are wearing open cloths and like to show their body. I always go to Siam center too most of girls I saw are dress properly. However, I agree with you that many teenagers go to Siam center with their couple. I think that always fine if they not do something unsuitable.

First!! กล่าวว่า...

I tried to understand your writing because it’s hard to read. I think your opinion is good and I agree with Ohm that not everybody like to show their body. I don’t think that teenagers like to drink beer or alcohol because there are many teenagers don’t like any beer and alcohol. So I agree that many young people like to play sports such as football, basketball and anything else.

Mikey กล่าวว่า...

Young people will be young people.